Finding Peace within Pain

in Vibrant Living Blog
​I'm thrilled to share that a few weeks ago I had the honor of being interviewed by my friend and colleague Michelle Chalfant on her podcast, The Adult Chair and I'm even happier to share that it is now live on the Insight Timer App!
Michelle and I could probably talk for hours on a variety of subjects but decided to focus on finding light or peace within the darkness of grief and pain. Pain can be anything from a dull ache to full on soul-searing grief and heartache, and finding some semblance of lightness within that pain is important to living a life that is authentic, full and vibrant. . 
In this podcast interview with Michelle I have offer several ideas for relieving some of the darkness and the complexities of the search for this balance, which is undoubtedly a life-long process. 
Please do listen to the interview in the link below. I'd love to hear from you and get your feedback!

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